French Tech Hautes-Pyrénées is a network of public and private actors working in the field of energy and ecological transition, more commonly known as Green Tech.
This Green Tech network has been supported since January 2017 by the Business Innovation Center (BIC) CRESCENDO in Tarbes.
French Tech Hautes-Pyrénées has been part of the #Cleantech mobility thematic network since July 2016 around 7 local sectors:
Circular economy and waste recovery
Energy efficiency of buildings
Renewable energies
Energy conversion and storage
Digital services associated with Green Tech
Currently La French Tech des Hautes-Pyrénées is a network that brings together more than 80 types of public and private actors, including more than 50 project leaders (students, entrepreneurs, startups, VSEs, SMEs, associations, laboratories, design offices , academics).
The objective of this Green Tech network is to Federate – Accelerate and promote the region’s project leaders in order to optimize the development of their project.
Thanks to the animation work carried out by La French Tech Hautes-Pyrénées since January 2017, the BIC CRESCENDO was identified and labeled GREEN TECH INNOVATION in October 2020.
BIC CRESCENDO is now part of the national network of Green Tech incubators (25 structures in total).
Address :
2 impasse de la Cartoucherie
65000 TARBES