PFT Plateforme Technologique Efficacité Energétique en Occitanie

The P.F.T. Energy Efficiency’s mission is to organize on the territory of Occitanie, the support given to the modernization of companies in the field of Energy Efficiency.

It relies on 6 establishments with technical platforms:

Gaston Monnerville in Cahors
Charles de Gaulle at Muret
Louis Vicat in Souillac
Jean Jaurès in Saint Affrique
Jean Dupuy in Tarbes
Artagnan in Nogaro.

The P.F.T puts the technical equipment of partner establishments at the service of companies by performing technical services on their behalf.

The P.F.T also has an educational objective, the performance of services for companies being an opportunity for the student to implement his knowledge, to understand the company and to facilitate his future professional integration.

The P.F.T is, for the partner establishments, the opportunity to promote the technological and professional path and, if necessary, to adapt the training courses.

Skills and areas of intervention:

Regional electric vehicle charging infrastructure coupled with renewable energy production plants.
Training services.
Expertise or technical services.
Research and development.
Technological support.
Creation of prototypes.
Custom photovoltaic.
Provision of technical resources, technical seminars, themed technical days.
In conjunction with training provided in partner establishments.
Industrial projects and internships for Senior Technicians, Professional Licenses.

Contact :

Address :

lycée Gaston Monnerville

Rue George Sand

46000 Cahors